St. Anthony Church, in the Madisonville neighborhood of Cincinnati, formally lit and dedicated their historic tower clock. The presentation of the work and clock lighting can be watched on St. Anthony’s Facebook Page here.
Church member, professional engineer and volunteer, Dave lovingly took care of the mechanics in the tower over many years. Consequently, the equipment functioned until it was past time to replace it.
Then Dave and wife, Karen, lead a dedicated group of volunteers to restore the clocks. St. Anthony hired The Verdin Company to manufacture parts to restore the 1946 work by previous generations of Verdins.
Dave’s January, 2021 report pleased us:
“…we have completed the restoration of the St. Anthony church steeple clock, using the parts that Verdin made… Everything installed perfectly, and I am very happy with the result. I love the lighting. Please let the others at Verdin who helped with this know.”
St. Anthony further reported on their Facebook page and in the church bulletin:
“The multi-year restoration of the church steeple clock was completed. This started with inspection, cleaning, and lubrication of the historic Verdin drive mechanism. This year’s efforts included installation of new clock faces and hands (manufactured by Verdin), refurbishment of the face gearboxes, and installation of new LED backlighting kits. All efforts by volunteers and donations. As of Dec. 19, all four clock faces are working and keeping time for the first time in many years.”
At The Verdin Company we meet our customer’s specific needs. So you can say that our skilled artisans and technicians adapt to where you are on your restoration journey. Because we can…
The Verdin Company is humbled and proud to continue our legacy as a partner to this valued customer to restore their historic tower clock!